Monday, January 26, 2015

"I am forty years old now, and you know forty years is a whole life-time; you know it is extreme old age."  

Fydor Dostoyevsky - Notes from the Underground


  1. I was very happy, and it was because I had a new puppy; that makes me very happy.

  2. I go to practice every day, but once i was sick so i could not go; i was so sick i could not move.

  3. I was very tired last week, and I know I didn't get enough sleep; sometimes I get distracted at night.

  4. I was very sad, because we lost our game; it was a big game.

  5. I caught a snook, a jack, and a catfish over the weekend; it was on my kayak.

  6. There were water droplets on the clean glass windows, it was almost normal to me now; It rains all of the time here.

  7. I am a dog, and a cat; you know i am lying though,

  8. My relatives are supposed to come on Wednesday, but there may be a blizzard; planes can't fly in blizzards.

  9. The man fell, and seemed to be in agony; he had been badly injured.

  10. Tomorrow is Colette's birthday, she forgot; she will be fifteen.

  11. I went to the mall on Saturday, and you know how the mall is on the weekends; it gets super crowded.

  12. I went to Dunkin Donuts this morning, and got coffee; it was very good.

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  14. I am fifteen years old now, and you know fifteen years is just a quarter of a life-time; you know it isn't very old age.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I wish I had slept more last night, and my eyes would stay open now; my mind just won't settle down some nights.

  17. I scored two goals, won two face-offs, and got three assists yesterday; it was in my lacrosse game.

  18. I work hard everyday, and I know that it is worth it; hard work prepares you for the future.

  19. I was very happy, I had just won a million dollars; that's a lot of money.

  20. I really love the summertime, and you know that there is no school; you know the children are happy.

  21. My dog raced across the lawn and brought back the tennis ball, her ears flopping wildly as she ran; we were playing fetch.

  22. I had softball practice yesterday, and I was really cold and tired; I still went anyways.

  23. I walked through the classroom door, and you know how loquacious children are; I got a headache quickly.

  24. I was proud of myself, for I had just found a dime on the ground; that's a rare find.

  25. I wish I didn't sleep on the couch last night, and you i have almost a thousand knots in my back; Couches are not good for your back.

  26. She fell off her bike yesterday, scraped her knee, bruised her elbows; it was a bad accident

  27. She would be about 4 years old now, you know four years is a long time; it is one of the most primitive ages especially when you have missed out on it.

  28. The temperature outside is 60 degrees, and below 70 degrees is already getting cold; i am freezing.

  29. Basketball can be tiring, but I know it will all be worth it; Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

  30. I went to bed very late last night, and you know I didn't get a lot of sleep; I woke up late this morning.

  31. I was so warm, my body was wrapped in blankets; then I had to leave my bubble of warmth to step into the freezing cold to go to school.

  32. The tennis courts were wet, and you know you cant play on the wet courts; Playing on wet courts can ruin balls and strings.

  33. The lunch line stretched out for what seemed like miles, and thousands streamed out of the cafeteria with tacos in their hands; it was the best of times and it was the worst of times.

  34. I am still hungry, and everyone knows I'll eat again; another hamburger sounds good.

  35. He drowned they say, and you know thats a horrifying way to go; your lungs collapse into useless bits of tissue and your last breath is a mouthful of water.

  36. My mom ate a cat, and you know that cats are very boney; I ate a goose instead,

  37. It was cold and dark outside, with a soft pitter patter on my window; it had just began to rain.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Everybody thought I was a straight A student, but few people saw my actual grades; I really had some low B's and C's.

  40. It was Saturday and every one loves to go to footlocker ; it was so full inside the store .

  41. After school I'm always exceedingly tired, but I still have homework; I must stay up till I finish.

  42. In the morning I am always exhausted, but i get up togo to school anyways; I have to get up to go.

  43. I am always hungry after school, but I never eat; I stay hungry until dinnertime.

  44. I'm fourteen years old now, and you know it's about that time; you know i'll be on the road soon!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Everyday Sasha asks me for gum, but I never have any to give him; you know I would if I had some.

  47. It was storming outside, and it sounded like someone was pounding on my window; turns out it was just a palm tree.

  48. They never give us ice-cream for snack, and everyone likes ice-cream; apples are not the same as ice-cream

  49. I hate my health class, and everybody hates health; having study-hall would be more useful.

  50. I went to the dog park yesterday, but I forgot my dog; this is when I realize that I am an awful dog-owner.

  51. I never understood why my dog doesn't love me, and I am an extremely loving person; he must not be accustomed to love.

  52. Potatoes are nice and all, but watch out for potato spiders; they can really harm you!

  53. She was incredibly emotional, and she always butted into conversations; most of her peers thought she was obnoxious.

  54. My favorite color is green, and many things are green; my second favorite color is blue.

  55. I have 200 frogs, but 7 die every year; by next year, I will have 193 frogs.

  56. Everyone thinks i'm super cool, but looking back; they were totally right.

  57. I have stopped watching the news now, and you know some of it is entertaining; overall bias doesn't pay off.

  58. When people meet me they never see who I really am, it's never expected for me to feel; I am held together by the happiness that shrouds my pain.

  59. People thought that I always won my SMITE matches, but people don't care to look at statistics; I lose a whole lot.
